Celebrating 45+ Years in Community! May 18-20, 2018
Register Now!
Come to The Farm Community in Summertown, TN to set your course for the future, Life In Community!
Our conference in partnership with the Fellowship of Intentional Communities,
this gathering is a unique opportunity to tour:
- Green Homes of all types
- Sustainable Food Production
- Over 89 KW in Solar Installations
- Alternative Education
- Conflict Resolution
- Land Trusts
- Community Business
- Midwifery
- and so much more.
Registration $175 per person / Students $125
- includes meals (Fri supper – Sun brunch)
(Each registrant is asked to bring a specific food item to contribute.)
EcoHostel Rates
Click here to register online or mail your check to:
Village Media Services / Douglas Stevenson
PO Box 259, Summertown, TN 38483
Bring some food to share, an open mind, ideas, and enthusiasm.
Change your life…Change the world!
Douglas Stevenson
Click here to see a tentative schedule
Green Homes & Ecovillage Tours
The Deltec Home
Straw Bale, Deltec, Earth Shelter, Cob, Cordwood
- Passive Solar, Clay Slip, Log Cabin, Amish Cabins
- Insulating Concrete Form, Domes, Earth Bag
- Solar Showers, Solar Power
- Local Harvest Lumber, Recycled Wonders
Homes and buildings of all shapes and sizes, with gorgeous examples of alternative construction.
Sustainable Food Production
The Community Garden
Community Garden Tours
- Seasonal Fruit – Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Apples, Figs
- Bees and Insect Management
- Beans, Corn, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Onions, Garlic, Carrots, Melons and more!
This is not commercial farming, but food grown and consumed by the families who live here.

Big Swan Headwaters Preserve
Land Trusts
- Learn about the Land Trust Document that protects the community’s land base
- Over 1000 acres of The Farm’s 1750 acres are undeveloped forest.
- Big Swan Headwaters Preserve – Another 1475 acres surrounding the community is owned by Swan Trust, a nonprofit land trust founded by Farm members.
- Hike scheduled for Sunday afternoon

Deborah Flowers (left), Farm Midwife leads the Introduction to Midwifery workshop.
*Workshops include:
- An Introduction to Midwifery
- Alternative Education
- Conflict Resolution & Nonviolent Communication
- The Spiritual Path
- Health & Diet
- Starting a Small Business
- and so much more.
*workshops subject to change
Saturday evening: All Farm Barbecue
A celebration mixer that brings the community together. The meals features yummy barbecue tofu on the grill. Not to be missed!
Music, Music, Music
Music has always been a very big part of The Farm Community, serving as a communion for bring people and generations together.
Tentative Schedule* *subject to change
5 PM Friday – Opening Circle
6 PM Dinner
7 PM Opening Presentation: Preparing for the Future, Community as the path to Sustainability
7 AM Yoga
8 AM Breakfast
9 AM Green Home Tour / Food Production Tour
Noon Lunch
1 PM Midwife Workshop / Starting a Community Business Workshop
2 PM Ecovillage Training Center Tour
3 PM Alternative Education Workshop / Conflict Resolution – Mediation – Nonviolent Communication
4 PM Open Space
6 PM Community Barbecue with music
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:30 AM Spirituality – The Glue of Community
10:30 Meditation with Farm Members
11 AM Sharing Circle
Noon Closing Circle
The Farm Communities Conference May 26-28, 2017
Registration $175 per person
includes meals (Fri supper – Sun brunch)
(Each registrant is asked to bring a specific food item to contribute.)

Attendees in conversation with Farm members.

Our Community Center, our location for community dinners, parties, weddings and meetings.

The Ecovillage Training Center, with many examples of alternative construction and technologies.

The Meeting Hall Dome, a massive recycled steel structure located adjacent to The Farm Store.