Join us for our first North America Annual Retreat at The Farm Community in Tennessee,
hosted by the Directors of DUP North America!
Learn about all the things we’re up to as an organization. Connect with new and familiar friends throughout our community.
Share your input on how we can grow our beloved spiritual practice throughout the North American region.
Our goal is to seed an annual gathering with the vision to connect, collaborate, and empower our beloved community.
With this in mind, our intention is to offer dance leaders who attend an opportunity to co-create dance sessions together and experience leading in the main circle.
Please share with your Friends and Communities so we can keep building and dancing our network of peace for the benefit of all beings.
Download our printable flier! PDF / JPEG image
Register NOW!
Additional information also below: Accommodations, airport shuttle, the weekend schedule

- A Weekend of Dance, Music and Celebration
- A discussion about the future of the Dances in North America
- Guided Nature Walk
- Farm Community Tour
- All Vegetarian Meals Provided
- See the Weekend Schedule
- View our Dance Space
The Farm was founded as a spiritual community in 1971 on the principles of nonviolence and respect for the earth. This gathering brings together two important spiritual movements born from the Renaissance in San Francisco and the energy emanating 50 years ago from the Summer of Love.
Friday 4 pm to Sunday Noon
$250 per person
$150 Young adult (35 and Under)
$25 Children 5-15
Price includes all meals, Friday supper through Sunday Breakfast
$15 per Camp site: per night – Bathrooms and hot showers available
$50 Dorm rooms (Women only): per bed, two nights $75 for 3 nights
B&B accommodations available. More information about our accommodations below.
Young Adult discount available.
Let us know if you need any assistance.
Register NOW!
Meet your hosts, the Dances of Universal Peace North America Board of Directors* and Staff. Support the work of DUPNA by making a donation.

Jennifer Friedman, Executive Director, Colorado
Jennifer is a dance leader and mentor in training, having led the Longmont and Lafayette, CO DUP circles for 15 years and is a long time member of the Canyonlands/Paonia, CO DUP Camp and Puerto Morelos, Mexico Camp leadership teams.
Jennifer has been personally transformed by the Dances and the direct transmission of Source energy and wisdom that they offer while simultaneously fostering a communal sense of the peace that is possible in our world. A past member of the Board, she currently serves as both the Executive Director and as a primary facilitator of the NextGen Council.

Tajali Tolan, DUPNA Board President, Montana
I have been dancing in circles since 1992 and am grateful to serve on the Board of DUPNA since 2016. This business of Peace. Peace of mind. Peace of heart. Peace with each other. Peace with all living things, the plants and the animals. And we do this one breath at a time.

Vimlan Barra VanDien, Treasurer
I fell in love with the dances in 1982, and at a Dance camp in Guatemala in 2017 I dedicated my life to generating Peace within and spreading Peace through the Dances. I frequently travel to camps and help when I can, and joined the Board in 2022 to continue to be of service to this wonderful practice.

Ted Ryle (Mubdi Matin), Washington
It is my honor and delight to serve on this board with such a lovely group of humans, Toward the One, through the Dances. I was inspired to join the board in 2018. I live in Olympia, Washington, where I met the Dances. I serve as Clinical Director of our state’s juvenile rehabilitation agency. See you in the circle! Alhamdulillah!

Jen Stock, Colorado
Artist, Healer, Dancer, dance camp manager, and for the past few years spreading her passion for the Dances as Board Member for DUP North America. Jennifer was introduced to the Dances in Denver, CO in the 90’s, and has been blissfully dancing with the beloved(s) ever since.

Chris Miller, Virginia
Chris is a skilled and deeply attuned Dance musician having been involved for many years in the Maui Sufi and Dance communities and now active with the Richmond, VA Dance Circle and became a board member in the fall of 2023.
“It seems clear as the beauty of a spring day that what the world needs most is a good dose of neighborly love. I‘ve joined the Board to share that love and find new ways to mix, and mingle with folks of all stripes.”

Douglas Stevenson, The Farm Community, Tennessee
By far the most fulfilling music I have ever played comes from leading group singing, chanting and dancing within the spiritual practice known as the Dances of Universal Peace. I discovered the Dances in 2017 and they totally changed my life. In 2023 I joined the boards of both DUP North America and DUP International in hopes that my experience in community, as an entrepreneur, and extensive work with nonprofits could be of service to this good medicine so needed in today’s world.
I believe you will find The Farm to be a unique place in the world. I look forward to dancing with you on liberated land, and sharing with you the vibrational space created by our life in community. I hope to see you in the circle!
- not shown: Wakil David Mathews, who is on a leave of absence
Our Dance Spaces

Dance space for approximately 40 people.

Tentative Schedule
- Opening Circle
- Dinner
- Dances

- Morning Walk
- Breakfast
- Community Tour with Dances
- Lunch
- Meet the DUPNA Board.
Discussion: the future of DUP NA - Dances
- Supper
- More Dances!

- Breakfast
- Closing Dances
- Closing Circle
Please let us know how to help you get the most from your experience.
Adult Registration Friday – Sunday $250 – Click here to pay by check
Let us know if you need any financial assistance.
Young Adult (35 an Under) Discount $150
Child Registration 15 and under $25
The Farm Community has many different options for accommodations, from camping to dorm rooms, shared quarters, tiny houses and cabins, and private rooms. Many homes that do not ordinarily take on overnight visitors have offered to rent bedrooms to dancers attending our weekend. There are hotels and BnB’s from 5 to 15 miles away in the area.
Contact me directly for assistance and recommendations in finding the space that is right for your needs. douglas@villagemedia.com
If you are in need of financial assistance and finding accommodations at no cost would be a big help to you, I have a few spaces available that my friends have graciously offered to donate.
We have a cabin with two bedrooms with queen beds, a loft with two more queen beds, plus a futon in the living room, all for $80 a night. If you are coming with a group or willing to share space with others, this could be a good option.
Dorm Registration 2-3 nights, $25 a night, 14 beds total
The dorms have hot showers and bathrooms, and are directly across the street from The Community Center where we will dance and have all meals.
Camping $15 a night, two night minimum
We have level campsites in the woods behind the Community Center and car camping in the surrounding meadow, Access to showers and bathrooms included.
Airport Shuttle
The Farm Community is 70 miles from the Nashville BNA airport, which is about a 1 ½ hour drive, longer during rush hours. To avoid traffic, we will have airport shuttles scheduled to run on Thursday and Friday, at 2 PM and 6 PM. Note: Our opening circle starts at 4 PM on Friday, so we hope you can find a flight that gets you to Nashville by Friday morning. Our shuttle drivers are serving as volunteers, but we are asking for $25 a person to help cover the cost of gas. We do not schedule returns to the airport at this time because often people attending the weekend can provide rides back to Nashville.
Additional Transportation
The Farm Community is spread out across several square miles. Many of our accommodations are 2-3 miles from the Community Center where meals are served and Dances take place. We will provide a morning and evening shuttle as needed to get people up and down The Farm.
Often people find renting a car from the airport to be a good option, giving them the freedom to come and go on their own schedule, such as taking an afternoon break or sleeping in and arriving after meals. It can also make your airport run easier, perhaps even helping others. Think about whether this would be a good option for you.
Support the work of DUPNA!
Click here to make a donation.
To mail a check, or for more information, contact:
Douglas Stevenson
111 Huckleberry Road
Summertown, TN 38483
Our flier