Growing Peanuts

Growing peanuts was a new experience for me. The seed, called Tennessee Valencia, arrived looking just like the peanuts in the shell you’d buy at the store.

Just before planting I cracked open the shells to remove the seed and spaced the peanuts in a furrow about 4-6 inches apart.

Online research told me to harvest when the leaves turn yellow, but checking on the harvest mid-September with all the plants still green, I found that a number of the legumes under the ground had already cracked their shell and sprouted.

Traditionally farmers will leave the plants and pods out in the sun for a few days to dry. I was concerned that mice and other critters would eat them, so I removed the peanuts from the plant and dried them overnight in my dehydrator.Next I cracked open all the shells by hand and gathered my harvest, and a nice bowl it was!

I spread the peanuts on a cookie sheet and placed in a 350 degree oven, removing to stir every 5 minutes, for a total of 15 minutes, until they turned a golden brown.

Finally I put the roasted nuts in my food processor and blended until smooth, adding a bit of oil, water, salt and honey, I have to admit it was a lot of work for 2 finished jars of peanut butter, but who knows, after the crash of western society in the not so distant future, growing your own might be the only way to enjoy this classic American cuisine!

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