The solar arrays installed on The Farm are an interesting example of the New Farm and its mixed of collective and private economy.
It is also a prime illustration of how we all share in the many achievements of the community, even though we as individuals may not be directly involved.
Unlike other states such as California, Tennessee only provided rebates and incentives to businesses that install solar panels for generating power, not individuals or private homes. The two large arrays in the community are connected to businesses.
One is a 17KW system powering SE International, an electronics manufacturing facility, and the other is a 58 KW system connected to a law office and our publishing company who were able to take advantage of State and Federal programs to help offset the cost of installation.
Both arrays function as “grid tie” systems supplying power directly into the TVA electrical power lines. Installed meters keep track of the amount of power generated.
Although private investors provided the capital and will reap the financial benefits from the solar installations, the community provided the ground on which they stand and all residents will share in the visible statement and commitment to alternative energy these systems represent.