The Farm continues to serve as a model for a way in which humans can live together in peace.
It continues to keep the principles of nonviolence as its core foundation.
Respect for the environment and living lightly on the earth continues to be a common thread uniting all members.

Education and outreach as a way to influence the world at-large remain a priority, exemplified through its many different interrelated projects and organizations.
Like anything created by humans, The Farm is not perfect, as its members readily admit.
Rather, it is the community’s ability to evolve and change, adapt and survive through both good times and hard times, that allow it to serve as a realistic model.
Currently The Farm Community, related organizations and affiliated individuals own and control over 4000 contiguous acres.
With thousands of acres of hardwood forest surrounding the community being clear-cut in recent years, these ecosystems stand as an island for countless species and protects the watershed for future generations.
By living together in community, individuals gain greater leverage in the pursuit of their ideals.
These ideals are passed from one generation to the next through example and collective participation in a variety of efforts that possess a single common purpose: to make a positive difference in the world.
Ultimately it is the ability to pass on core ideals to a future generations that defines sustainability for the community.
As society’s awareness on the critical state of the planet increases, a new generation of young idealists are finding The Farm Community as a way to jump start the fulfillment of their vision to create a better world.